For a Midwestern farming family of seven, the holiday season calls for hearty helpings of peace, love, and homegrown popcorn.
What Is It? What Is It Worth?
Our team of antiques experts weighs in on your treasured finds.
Plaid Tidings at Every Turn
For textile designer Heather Taylor, an 1,800-square-foot cabin in the heart of California’s San Jacinto Mountains proves the perfect spot to check the halls in her signature cheerful style.
A new build in Big Sky Country feels anything but thanks to reclaimed logs, thoughtfully handcrafted touches, and a uniquely rugged approach to revelry.
Themen | 003/2024 (01.03.2024)
Put the ROOM back in BATHROOM
Despite its daily use, the average bathroom can feel as cold as bare feet on a tile floor. Give yours a distinctly country warm-up with these design ideas inspired by your home’s more linger-friendly living spaces.
A worn-down, Depression-era cottage reveals its soulful character thanks to the neighboring farm family who brought it back to life.
Themen | 005/2024 (19.04.2024)
The Lure of the Low Country
Tucked under a majestic live oak, an 1890s riverfront cottage gets thoughtfully updated for the next generation of paddleboarders and porch sitters.
What Is It? What Is It Worth?
Early-1900s Pieced Quilt Constructed of geometric pieces hand-stitched in the “Touching Stars” pattern, your family heirloom is what is called a pieced quilt—a term derived from the practice of it being made of collected fabric scraps. “Bright, multicolored cotton quilts like yours were made in the 1930s for the change of seasons from winter to spring,” says appraiser Helaine Fendelman.
Themen | 007/2024 (18.06.2024)
Haven on the Harbor
A Maine couple turns an amalgamation of seaside cottages, fishing shacks, and roadside sheds into an unconventional “home,” while preserving the history of a midcoast working waterway.
What Is It? What Is It Worth?
Our team of antiques experts weighs in on your treasured finds.
Open-Door policy
To lure their grown kids back home (and make room for future generations), a California couple builds a relaxed retreat that beckons bare feet.
On Island Time
For two busy Brooklynites, a charming 1960s cottage in the Cherry Grove hamlet of Fire Island proves a welcome respite from Big Apple bustle.
011/2024 (16.10.2024)
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