Around the world, coral reefs are in danger: Pollution, warmer waters due to climate change, and other threats can cause coral to die. An international report found that up to 90 percent of Earth’s coral is at risk. The good news is that many people are working to save them. These eco-heroes are working to protect coral.
A coral reef might seem like a calm and quiet place to live, but the creatures that reside there are constantly in work mode: They’re building, cleaning, protecting, and gardening the coral reef they call home.
The forest of southwest India is home to two powerful predators: Bengal tigers and Indian leopards. This Indian sanctuary, the Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, is one of the few remaining places on earth where these two big cats live side by side.
Three of the Hat Geo researchers reveal the adventures and misadventures they experience during their expeditions in a personal interview
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National Geographic Kids US im Abo: Das englischsprachige naturwissenschaftliche Magazin für Kinder
National Geographic Kids US weckt Interesse an der Faszination der Erde und ihrer Bewohner. Es beinhaltet vielfältige und kindgerechte Artikel über Wissenswertes, Kurioses und Interessantes aus der Welt der Naturwissenschaften. Das Magazin erscheint zukünftig nicht mehr zweisprachig.
Das Abonnement National Geographic Kids US für wissensdurstige Kinder
Das Magazin für Kinder von 6-12 Jahren, die neugierig auf die Welt sind und gerne neue Dinge entdecken.
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